At LOGIMES, our Continuing Education service on New Technologies is designed to support you in acquiring essential skills for the constantly evolving digital era. We are committed to positioning you as a leader in your field by offering innovative training programs tailored to your specific needs.

Advanced Courses on Emerging Technologies

Explore the latest advancements in emerging technologies.

Acquire specialized skills to stay at the forefront of technological innovation.


Immediately put the knowledge gained into practice through interactive workshops.

Gain hands-on experience to enhance your understanding of new technologies.


Obtain industry-recognized certifications that validate your skills.

Increase your market value with up-to-date qualifications.

Continuous Support

Receive personalized follow-up throughout your training journey.

We are here to answer your questions and support you in applying the concepts you’ve learned.

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À propos de nous

Société de services numériques accompagne les entreprises industrielles qui souhaitent mettre en place un système de gestion de la production de leurs ateliers industriels afin de pouvoir suivre en temps réel leurs encours de production, évaluer le rendement de leurs opérateurs et mesurer la performance de leur production.

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